Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Transparent Curtain Viewed Through Blinders

So, the Republicans think we should amp up our defense budget while cutting back on safety net services for the poor, children, disabled and elderly. While watching Politics Nation with Rev. Al Sharpton Congressman Barney Frank pointed out something that never really crossed my mind. He pointed out how much money we spend on defense in Europe and that while here, 'they' want to raise the retirement age to seventy, France is planning to drop it to 60. He aptly pointed out that this possible because they have had not had to pay for their own defense again the USSR since post WWII and the Cold War. Is this nuts or what and it begs the question why? Well maybe the power brokers, spurred onward by Cheney--whose company Halliburton raked in record profits as a result of our last Iraq war--a war hawk Republicans are now pandering yet another fear. But what crossed my mind is simply this: Cheney and ilk all have defense company pals who would continue to cash in on our defense machine. Screaming patriotism they would laugh all the way to bank! What has been increasing lacking is transparency but then again there is no need when there are Batman Conspiracy spokesmen like Rush Limbaugh screaming "PLOT!", "PLOT!" as he accuses Hollywood of naming the arch villain (written in the comic in 1992) Bane to influence movie goers into relating evil with Bain and Seamus' Abuser. Of course, he too is laughing all the bank to the bank as well as he feeds the xenophobia of a witless mass of the Republican base. It's all transparent for those that choose to see...

Monday, July 16, 2012

Mitt In A Nutshell

Hmmm. I take a look at "him" and I see someone that will never get my vote. Here's why. He has a nose that grows larger than Pinocchio's for never telling the truth on anything, acts as if the outcry for him to disclose tax returns and banking habits is just being picky, misrepresents his connection with Bain and its labor practices across the board, a history of abusing animals- first Seamus and then the family's horse by over drugging the poor thing (No wonder there is now disdain for the Affordable Care Act), playing to the fringe voter by manipulating his talk with the NAACP into coded messages, by sneakily aligning himself with the BS of the Limbaughs in this country and finally for taking the money he is given in order to buy an election. Is there a question? Anyone?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Simon Says Simon Again

Here he went again--Simon-saying the usual catch points yet again only this time before the NAACP. Spewing forth the rhetoric of saying nothing other than what he has been saying, like a broken record, Seamus's Abuser is probably being lauded right now for speaking to a group of voters not likely to vote for him and saying he would repeal OBAMACARE. Brave? Bold? I don't think so for what happened here was a sound bit that would resonate with the radical right wing of the GOP. this is free press ride his wealthy supporters don't to foot the bill for at all. That's right FREE. All the news stations will be playing these moments over and over again for weeks. Liberal news stations and conservative ones will be chewing on the fodder that would give my horses colic! The liberals will say he played to the radical base. The conservatives will say "look", see? He's a man who doesn't change his agenda depending on who he speaks to!" Well, that a bone for me to pick on but I won't as his flip flopping even on his own policies of the past is a matter of public record. What still remains to be said is exactly how he will create jobs and this is just one example. Perhaps he is just waiting for the other Simons to tell him what to say....

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Over the Cap

I have gotten a lot of strong disagreement concerning my support of Obamcare. To those who are misled by the rhetoric of the GOP pundits making it seem as though taxpayers are paying for a whole country of n'er do wells This is my response: What many do not know but I do because I worked in social services for developmentally disabled people is that MOST people do not qualify for Medicaid or social services. Case in point: Many are unaware that if a household bring in just $1.00 over the cap of income they are denied. There are so many in poverty who cannot get Medicaid because of $1.00! Even $250 dollars over the poverty cap isn't enough to get medical insurance. One person making $8,000 per year is ineligible. For many, paying for insurance is out of reach anyway so it's actually cheaper to pay the fine because coverage is out of reach anyway. I do disagree with many who have expressed similar outrage but having seen suffering first hand and having worked in a field that taught the reality of the system as well as having been "there" myself in the past I know of which I speak.

When Either Or Becomes Well, Maybe...

Wow! Word is in. The Supreme Court ruled in Favor of Obama's healthcare plan...Well maybe. Before anyone gets their knickers in a knot with excitement let's look at what this really means. The Supreme Court's sole responsibility is to determine whether or not something is constitutional. Period. Either Or. Now what's happened here is that they said, in a 4-5 decision, that the Healthcare Act signed by President Obama is constitutional however, and it's a BIG HOWEVER AND ULTIMATELY A COUP for conservatives, states can opt out. Opt out? REALLY? How come? It's a state's right issue. AGAIN! States can choose not to participate. You see as a federal law ALL states would be obligated to cover everyone in their states but this way, they don't have to. The result? All those red states balking at the VOTER'S RIGHTS ACT will simply not participate. The outcome? You see this plan is predicated on having "x" number of participants in order to make it fiscally viable. With a lot of states opting out the result will be the collapse of this program fiscally. End game? Well, another retro-Republican outcry of how Obama is running the country into the ground. Gee. Compromise much to underhandedly serving the interests of the GOP? Well, YEAH! Givith with one hand and taketh with the other. What was gained here? Nothing but another loophole for State's Rights!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Muddle Minded Mitt

What have I been saying all along? Haven't I been commenting on what appears to be the racist appeal of the modern GOP from angry rich white men to misogynists to voter suppression that would impact mostly on minority Democrats, the closing of polls hence making it harder to vote in rural areas, the eliminator of souls to the polls Sundays to the stereotyping recipients of public assistant as lazy Black people....Haven't I been pointing this out? What, you ask? What is she pointing out? This article says it better than I: Seamus' abuser is so muddle-minded he forgot when spoke here that the press was there. So, in order to prove he's "one of the people" he says this. Yeah, we know who he's appealing to for sure....

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Get Out, You Tired and Poor!

I fume when I hear the sad stories of families being torn apart as a family member was deported. Children at risk of being sent back because of choices for a better life their parents made is very upsetting to me. This children and young adults grew up AMERICAN. Period. Paragraph. Aside from the obvious in that it would be extremely to go to a country where you do not know the language or culture what about those whose parents escape war torn countries or war lords. Are we to condemn children a young adults to terror? Let's look at a little history here. There have always immigration stats. In other words there were set numbers for how many Europeans could come here, how many Hispanics etc. What many do not know is that lowest number allowed into this country were people of color: Africans were lowest o this "list of allowable immigrants." That's right. the policy was to maintain a White majority in this country when it came to immigration. Fast forward to today. the focus has been on Hispanics but there are other groups of people that have lived in fear of deportation as well. So were the effort to deport really an effort to bring up the numbers of White people? There. I said it. I asked the relevant question of today concerning this issue. Given the fact that this country thrived on the immigration of many people from many countries isn't ironic that now our kind-hearted kindred (GOP)are in a rant about President Obama's Executive Order that address this issue. His Order is compassionate, reasonable and logical the GOP rants are not. The people this Executive Order helps will no longer be exploited and underpaid. those who have degrees can fairly compete in the job market (as limited as it is) and will have the privilege of being taxed as well hence adding to our national coffers. These taxes can add up to a good percentage over time. I can't help but wonder how adamant these people are about European people who have been here illegally. One never hears about that. But I think it's time for Lady Liberty's invitation to be sandblasted away as many, filled resentment, who have simply kicked these people out. Let's put on a new inscription: (As the late Donna Summers sang) "Walk out the door, you're not welcome anymore!"