Friday, January 6, 2012

And W're Walking....Backwards

As GOP “conservatives” battle for what I believe will be a very small number of extremist votes in the general election I want to scream! Now Ron Paul somehow equates The Civil Rights Act as an assault on property?

As a descendent of an African woman kidnapped to be a Spaniard's slave in Puerto Rico I have thought of what my ancestor endured as a slave. I always imagine the worse so, to some degree I really relate to the outrage African Americans feel when discussion inevitably comes around to repealing The Civil Rights Act in favor of states' rights. Let's not forget if “certain people” were not allowed to vote, eat where they wanted and sit at the front of the bus there would never had been the need for The Civil Rights Act to begin.

What is Mr. Paul talking about when he equate civil rights with property rights? Is he saying that somehow people are property after all? That people can once again “know their place?” Even the people of Texas were progressive enough to realize the Confederate flag on every license plate issued was a slap in the face to the Black experience here in the United States. With more wisdom than I sadly gave them credit for they knew a Confederate flag on all license plates would in essence provide cover for real racists. Rightfully what Texans really said was “You want it? Pay for a vanity plate!” Just as Texans have reached an epiphany I can only hope other states will follow.

The personhood issue will become a major subject in the months to come. When exactly is a person a person? I have my own views on at what point an abortion should be conducted but that is not the point. The issue is a woman's right to choose what is best for herself and her family. Three doctors have been arrested for performing late term abortions as of this writing. I do not support late term abortions personally but what were the circumstances? I do not know. Was it a matter of endangering the mother?
What if the personhood is determined to be the time of fertilization? What if the pill, IUD, condoms or any other practice to utilize birth control become illegal because it interferes with “Divine Will?” Despite my own personal views I am not going to pass judgment on another woman who chooses abortion at any point during the pregnancy. Unfortunately those who want to impose the definition of personhood on the rest of us will use any modification of the law as it stands to become more and more restrictive until there will no longer be a right to abortion.

To be brutally frank, and I would never wish this on anyone, I also believe should any of the candidates' daughter fall prey to a rapist, especially a minority perpetrator they would see to it that an abortion was done. We would never know about it of course but that is what money buys: privacy.

There's a reason some laws have become federal. No state nor can anyone in a particular state break a federal law. With obvious ploys to prevent democrats from voting such as outlawing SOULS TO THE POLLS, ridiculous voter registration policies which make it humanly impossible to process voter registration applications within forty-eight hours and the nit-picking of what photo is okay or not
One thing is clear. The GOP is afraid. VERY AFRAID.

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