Thursday, May 31, 2012

Who Let Romney Out?

Really? The main thing Romney had to say in a Black community was :WHO LET THE DOGS OUT?" as a bridge point? Really? He calling them dogs or what? He is clueless about anything but his own 1% ilk of a nation that stands behind him. Making it clear he would, on the first day in office be the puppet for the extremely wealthy he also made it clear that puppets are mindless,ignorance and uncomfortable outside of their mansion zones! Of course the more he talks that happier I get as his true concepts come to the foreground more and more and come election time, especially with voter suppression running amok "left" and "right" (that's right even Republicans are being told they are not citizens in Florida now!) the GOP powers that be need to figure WHY letting him run wildly on the lawns of the public. I am surprised no one put a lease on him yet...better yet...why no one strapped him to the roof a car where he could "bark" sound "bites" (sorry, can't help but be "punny"") through a megaphone...

A Mind Shift

Even a snark such as myself reaches a point where a change of pace is needed. Herein lies a mind shift for today: a book review! This is a review of a translation of a response written by little know German Philosopher and fist lieutenant of the Bavarian Illuminati organization, Adolph von Knigge. As a person who is bilingual I cannot help but be amazed at the task writer and translator Jeva Singh-Amand undertook in his translation of PHILO'S REPLY QUESTIONS CONCERNING HIS ASSOCIATION WITH THE ILLUMINATI. The Illuminati has been presumed to exist for a very long time and has been subjected to mystery by many and presumed occult in nature as well. Mr. Singh-Anand brings to light the history of the Illuminati and the lesser baron that would become it's architect, and an even lesser known philosopher and administrator of what was a fledgling attempt to organize enlightenment and bring it to Germanic states. "Philo" was a secret name. It was customary for all those affiliated with the Bavarian Illuminati to take on pseudonyms to work unhindered. Philo was really Baron Adolph von Knigge, raised in a family that nurtured curiosity in all things, including the occult. His father, interested in alchemy was never able to covert anything into gold but that did not dissuade the young baron from pursing his own interest in things mysterious. A little known fact is that Baron von Knegge became most prominent in the area of etiquette upon which he wrote extensively. Yet his own curious and determined nature sought something that could encapsulate the best of mankind for the betterment of mankind. As a result he became introduced to and worked with founder Adam Weishaupt. As he discussed his objective of finding a way to promote enlightenment Weishaupt informed him that such an organization already existed. He was quickly asked to perform the gargantuan task of fostering the development of the Illuminati in five areas. Beginning second in command to none von Knigge took on this responsibility willingly and enthusiastically. What becomes clear in this wonderful translation that read as if written in English is von Knigge's labors, efforts and ultimate disagreement with Weishaupt which led to his leaving the movement. but what truly shines through is the brilliance of the mind that was von Krigge. What is truly applicable to today's times is the wisdom he exhibited in the face of criticism and misrepresentation of the Bavarian Illuminati. Reading this learned philosopher's point of view which reflects the optimism that truth and it's light will always show itself regardless of slander and ignorance lends a truly new awareness to the childhood adages such as "sticks and stones" and "water off a duck's back". Von Knigge was a man who knew when silence was the strongest tool and only provided this treatise when his anonymity was revealed by another within the Illuminati. Mr. Singh-Anand's translation brings forward a little known philosopher's wisdom in a manner that is both engaging while still capturing the history of this organization. As a result he accomplishes removing the veil of mystique surrounding the Illuminati, revealing what it truly was which was an organization that originally was similar to the philosophy of what we Americans call Libertarianism although one can also see how its tenets were threatening and in its time seemed to promote anarchy. Established for the betterment of mankind and for it's membership, Weishaupt promised "Heaven on earth" for the brotherhood but it was really von Knigge that laid down the foundation and degrees of what would constitute Freemasonry. In comprehending the principles of this organization one can easily see how "brotherhoods" of the wealthiest in modern times are also targets of curiosity, criticism and mystery. The most interesting facet of von Knigge's personality, to me, lies in his recounting Westhaupt admission early on in von Knigge's administration and development of the "order" in which he admitted that the Illuminati as von Knegge described it did not exist as was expressed. All it has been was a young, was a loosely connected movement of scattered intelligentsia not yet organized to have any impact on the promises of Westhaupt at least not until von Knigge entered the picture. Already having established in his own mind what an ideal society could be like and the worthiness of working toward that goal von Knigge chose to continue working diligently to create what he believed in which was a living, breathing viable network of capable people who were willing to be entrusted with the common good of mankind and of course, as security, themselves. I wish to thank Mr. Singh-Anand for this work and his labors in bringing to the foreground this little known philosopher who, in his own way, offers much in the way of basic standards for conducting oneself under pressure by refusing to accept the pressure and by truly reaching that point in which explanations are owed to no one but the self. I highly recommend this book for its merit, it's offering of little known history and its clarification of what to many is a mystery. Mr. Singh-Anand has dutifully presented von Knigee as a philosopher for not just his time but ours as well in a translation that flows in English allowing one to simply forget it was originally written in German. I look forward to more of Mr. Singh-Anand's scholarly translations of other authors known perhaps only to German academia. This book is available through and

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My deepest apologies to my colleague, Barbara Cavallo! I erroneously made a mistake on my reference to her wonderful blog. Her blog can be found here:


You know until this week I had given a lot respect to Chris Hayes because of what appeared to be his high intelligence and ability to communicate and connect the dots about the repressive politics that is running rampant supposedly in the name of eliminating voter fraud and other issues of the day but to align our soldiers with the politics of the economic war machines that send them in harm's way was frankly ignorant and judgmental! This is a horrible mistake. Our returning veterans are having a hard enough time getting the care and help they need. A lot of them return to lost homes, suffering injuries we cannot begin to imagine of mind, body and spirit and now some young upstart via the power of the eloquent word now robs them of dignity? This is black eye to the news station I have respected for a very long time and it is abhorrent to me that this type of rhetoric is not denounced by the news station by making it clear MSNBC does not stand behind this opinion. I am old enough to have friends that were in Viet Nam. Old enough to remember the horrible treatment and attitudes towards those unfortunate to have served there because of the acts of some but mainly the politics of the rich. Although it will be denied I am old enough to remember studying ecology and, at one point, projected oil resources where outline. Guess where a major one was supposed to be? You guessed it. Off the coast of Viet Nam. Any questions? Modern warfare is different today. Years back we went to war to fight oppressive and murderous regiemes. Not that there aren't some causes worthy of our help but think about it...there is money to be made in war today and for a long time. The Haliburtons of our military contract system simply LOVE war. All we need to do is just think about WHO is who within the major corporations that have these contracts. There are people whose calling is to serve. Mine was to serve the needy in social services. Am I to blame because of the systems that poorly served the neediest? I help people through these systems. A soldier has a call to service and duty as well. There have always been and will be those whose service is in the line of action. Are they to be blamed for the politics of the powers that be that comfortably golf in their country clubs and miserly count their profits from the wars they encourage and propagate? No matter the how or the reason why we might be in a war, being in a war of ANY KIND puts us all at high risk. Soldiers are our guardians. To YOU, Chris Hayes, I say a pox on your words!

Memory Lane

With the GOP's in-your-face-blatent-vote-for-us-we-are-rich-and-understand-your-poorly-educated-fears tactics I am reminded of the 60's when, despite it's attempts at revisionist history, the Reppublican Party WAS the stalwart of protector of “States's Rights!” Back in that day this meant segregation, the burning of Black churches and police assault on protesters marching for the right of Black people to have the right to vote. Some people may be saying I am “spinning” this but you know what? Quid pro quo! The Republicans are now claiming THEY were the party of the Civil Rights Movements? Really? Then how come they have been sneakily going about securing voter suppression legislation in certain key states? Back then college students saw what was happening and protested everything from the right to vote for everyone to against the Viet Nam War which no sense to anyone with an ounce of common sense and yet so many our young soldiers died. Back then I really thought a difference was being made, that people were moved by these tragedies to fight what had caused them but, it was the body politic, after all, wasn't it? As for the "people"...the hippies...most of them went Wall Street. Turn coats like Abbie Hoffman! forgetting what was once valued in favor of the buck! then came the 'me' then "x" (as in unknown factor in algebra) and truthfully what could they know? What I and my colleagues, such as Barbara Cavallo (please read her blog on forgotten, Gen Me and Gen X will never know... But ignorance is no excuse. If are too young to know what I am talking about, READ YOUR HISTORY, DAMMIT!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Oh, Yeah?

So now we hear the medical report on Simmerman was actually done by his physician stating all the injuries he sustained including black eyes. Now pictures of him are suddenly circulating. Interesting. What about the fact that he appeared in tact on the police station camcorder when he arrived? How about the fact that there were no blood stains to be found on him anywhere or an EMT report of treatment (that I know of?) Even if (and i say IF) THIS IS ALL TRUE (my jury is really waaaay out there)wouldn't it stand to reason that if he felt physically threatened Trayvon might have had a tussle? In my opinion this is moot question so I ask you...who is the person that died?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Religions Vs. Rights

I applaud ministers who can see the difference between religion and rights. In deferring to the bible, as with Mormons, there would be polygamy, no? Prostitution was also a stoneable abomination however, Jesus befriended Mary Magdalene (won't go into "codes" here which I ascribe to personally, just The Word) there are many takes on the bible who is right and what interpretative tools were used to conclude what these takes have been. Some are literal but then as I said if that were true there would polygamy which is in the Bible but illegal (religion vs. rights again) some align the scriptures with historic events. I say "physician heal thyself" and let others make their own peace with their Creator as they need in this area of discussion.

Monday, May 14, 2012


People would get angry when David Dukes (former KKK Grand Dragon) was on talk shows but I said let him talk and be seen. I want people like this SEEN because there are many who delude themselves into thinking we are ok. We are not. Look at the GOP. If they weren't flapping their mouths we would all think people aren't as racist as they really are. All this has come out in my opinion because our President is Black. No more, no less. Once he was elected all the hidden hatred came out. We needed to see this. We need to know the enemy. "They" are out to get us. As I always quote, "Just because I am paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get me!" Now I know who "they" are! "they" are the racist/homophobic/Evangelical/White Supremicists/misogenistic haters like Rat Limbaugh. But, you know? Let them keep talking. this way we know who the enemy is.