Monday, December 26, 2011

It's a Matter of Mind

The biggest pitfall and the most understandable one is the despair looming over so many people. Uncertainty has taken the spring out most steps and the biggest challenge to even possibly seeing any change at all will be a referendum on the Gop Election Day 2012.

Thankfully courts are reversing legislative laws passed in Republican states as being illegal. They are illegal because these laws violate federal laws on voter's rights.

This is but one of many cases in point why I oppose "states rights." Without federal laws many states would elect to do as they chose regardless of the impact on their citizenry.

People seems to be waking up! Even Republicans. Humph. 'Bout time. I was growing impatient with how slow on the uptake it appeared the American public had become. Is there a glimmer of hope for our future as a nation? Dunno. Hope so.

Friday, December 23, 2011

A Sign of Our Times

A woman in New York sent her husband out to visit an ailing person. When he returned he discovered she'd shot her father and ten year old daughter.

This is so very tragic and, although premeditated, to me it is clear this woman was not receiving the medical care she needed for what was obvious mental illness! I would be interested in what the circumstances were here. Did she not have insurance? If she did did her insurance company so severely limit therapy and medication treatment to exacerbate her condition? Was her family ignorant or unwilling to have her admitted to a mental health unit against her will? How much did shame have to do with this outcome? There is more to this awful matter. Sadly I do not believe most reporters simply do not understand enough about mental illness to be able to report responsibly.

Damon Rips Obama a New One

Please read this article first:

There is a lot to what Matt Damon says in his criticism. I myself have screamed at the news "Oh stop with the negotiating already! Stand up. Have some brass ones!" And I am an Obama supporter! Although lately it has been ruefully. Constantly being snubbed by the GOP to meet with him or to have lunch hence insulting a President like never before was enough to make me fume.

I am not saying he was not the better person for choosing the higher ground and perhaps he was right in not giving Tea Partiers and the GOP wanted: a huge public retaliation. I admit I am not the better person Mr. President has proven himself to be. For example I would would have hauled Bush and his cronies up and down Pennsylvania Avenue in handcuffs dragged by horses! But since reason eventually takes hold in my radical brain I stepped back and looked at this whole matter more logically.

If he were a White President any anger expressed toward his detractors would have been acceptable. But he is our first Black President ans as such he would have been fodder for fools like Rush Limbaugh who would have used his limited vocabulary and called him "Uppity" among other coded and blatant epithets.

The truth is President Obama has had to walk a tightrope in order to not lose support. Let's be analytical here. He and media supporting pundits limit how many times they mention or reference the poor class. It is always a middle class attack. Granted as attempts to strip sub basic supportive services for the poor and disabled as well as proposing threats to Social Security ignoring the plight of the poor can no longer be brushed off the focus still remains on the middle class and how it is diminishing...a round about way of implying that the middle class is sinking into poverty but here again this must be handled delicately. You see if President Obama is not careful he will fall victim to racist right wingers who will harp on anything they can spin into his being a Black leftist radical.

So while I agree with Matt Damon's core argument the reality is a different matter altogether. I can only hope, as the GOP is in essence handing President Obama a second term, that he will prove himself to be a man of "brass."

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Please read this report:

This is criminal! What most parents do not know is that schools do not call the police. They do internal investigating and the union plays a huge part in velvet gloving incidents like this. I know I worked with autistic children and teens for ten years. This was criminal and those involved should be taken away in cuffs!

Of course no teachers have the right to demand meds for children that are just being kids because many young teachers simply do not know basic behavior modification techniques.

I fully support the dedicated teachers who work very hard to teach our children. These a**holes are not among them!

Talk About Disenfranchisement!

Political movie pitch: a governor decides to fire the mayor of the town of city that was lawfully elected and hires his cronies instead to take over.

I wish I had thought this for a story but I did not! It's true and do not think for one minute that this could not happen in your state! This is why I oppose "States Rights" as laws enacted can be arbitrary and contrary to the popular vote. In many cases we are talking about newly elected mayors who haven't even had a chance to work on problems. Each new "manager" makes over 100k. How is this fiscal responsibility as Republicans scream? Sounds like handing out jobs to friends to me. In effect, who ever is voted in is ousted if the governor wants. Watch out for this movie near you!

That African Americans remain targets is an outrage! Yet, it is a sad state of affairs. Hispanic people in Arizona as recent news reveals have been victims of profiling and do I need to even mention those of Middle Eastern heritage?

Ignorance is the catalyst for fear. We all know this but today, more than ever it seems to have become a license for a presumed acquiescence of the masses with abuse of peace keeping power and a "you don't belong on my block" mentality.

I remember Yusef Hawkins. Yousef was a young Black college student who responded to an ad in Bensonhurst Brooklyn. He went there to look into buying a car. What he received was a fatal bludgeoning with a baseball bat.

On the weekend following this young man's funeral Reverend Al Sharpton marched with his family and supporters in a peaceful demonstration against the actions that caused this tragedy. At the time Bensonhurst will still a ghetto. In other words the majority of people homogeneous-one culture, one nationality: Italian.

The supporters and grievers were met on the sidelines by rabid racists, holding baseball bats and even one mooned the protesters. This brainchild, whose brain was obviously in his posterior rump was cheered by some. Not to be fair these few were hardly representative of the neighborhood's feelings. Most felt he had every right to go wherever he wanted, especially to buy a car.

I especially remember that day because my daughter who then just 8 years old tearfully called me begging me to bring her home because she couldn't stand the hate she witnessed. Of course I went and brought her back home, so very proud of her values.

Growing up I took a lot for granted. You see I grew up in a 'Black ghetto" and was the 2 per cent white in my school. All my friends were Black and all came from hard working GREAT families. When I became aware enough to witness the Civil Right Movement I was in shock when I learned Black people in the south couldn't vote. So was my family.

My mom was a dark skinned Puerto Rican so I experienced the murmurings and finger pointing as well but, it was nothing compared to what was the real reality in this grand US of A.

Bensonhurst has since become a wonderfully heterogenous community with people of all races and national origin. But there are some people in this country that choose to believe inequality is a myth and for whatever the reason refuse to WAKE UP!

So no. Unless you walk in a Black person's shoes you DO NOT KNOW what it's like!

Monday, December 19, 2011

And My Beef Goes On...

by Cate Cavanagh

...let me count the ways!
Firstly, the Gop would love to eliminate early voter registration and Souls To The Polls in every state. Now Florida is making voteliar registration virtually impossible for organizations such as The League of Women Voters to register people by making it mandatory that filings be done within 48 hours of application! How can anyone keep up with that. In addition, there are scary clauses in the application forms implying hefty fines and imprisonment if something is written incorrectly! Both volunteers and registrants are afraid of this clause. The GOP would happily see this be in all states as well. Of course in Texas photo ID accepted in the past is not acceptable BUT if you have a gun permit that is just fine. I happen to support the Second Amendment albeit not as rabidly as some but this is just plain absurd!
As if disenfranchising the elderly, poor and minority voters wasn't enough. Newt now says he believes "activist" judges should be arrested and hauled away. In essence he wants to totally strip the power away from the judiciary Branch of our government. I find this appalling but consider this: what is activist judge? Sotomeir? Scalia? I want to know can we haul off off Scalia for handing over the Presidency to Bush? Hmmm. How about all those justices that decided corporations are people too?
This is an interesting philosophy which will simply not hold water because your right winger will not want democrats to be able to remove THEIR appointees. There is a reason, like it or not, that Supreme Court appointments are “lifelong”. It presumes (which in recent years especially with Republican appointees) that lifelong appointments will be a detriment to partiality. (Yeah, right!)
However, this IS CLEAR in the constitution that seem invalid at the whim of Republican extremists.

Cate Cavanagh has been a career family advocate and service coordinator for developmentally and physical disabled children and adults. She is a published syndicated columnist and author.


Let Them Die!

Let Them Die!
By Cate Cavanagh

The GOP continues to forge its philosophy of leaving poor families and their children to flounder helplessly. Much as people gathered and cheered as people were guillotined during the French Revolution, it seems the far right fringe audiences that have attended Republican are also bitter mobs that relish in the languishing of the growing poor as they continue to lose ground in their struggle to be participants in our society.

Rush Limbaugh stated recently recently that dumpster diving is a viable way for the poor to find food to eat. Ron Paul recently expressed that charitable organizations and churches were alternatives to those needing medical care that did not have health care.

The more GOP candidates talk the more they demonstrate how ignorant of this society they really are.
Firstly, charitable organizations receive government funding but, as a career advocate in the field of disabilities I can state that many programs for the needy are becoming increasingly smaller.

The logic of this position makes no sense whatsoever because in essence, one way or another, major funding from the federal government would be necessary to set up these programs and the far right would rather fund a few people with huge tax cut benefits than provide health benefits for needy families and children. They also overlook that a good number of the growing poor were once working people paying taxes with an implicit understanding that if they were ever in need, they would be helped. In Republican terms, this was an “investment” made by millions for a rainy day.

With Perry's pride in the number of executions he approved and with Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's moratorium on transplant procedures for the sake of a budget, the obvious is being overlooked. It is frighteningly apparent that the party of “no” endorses death. For a party aligning itself with Right to Lifers, these policies simply defy humanity and logic.

Years ago congress wanted ketchup listed as a vegetable in school lunches. Today the vegetable of the day is tomato sauce! Of course this is all targeted to demean children in poor areas. Within these misleading comments, most recently by Newt Gingrich, is a code that implies these poor children are Black. Frankly Republicans seem unaware that there are poor children of Republican families.

How many patients waiting for transplants were Republican? How many Republicans are unemployed.
Do they feel their hardships are their own fault? Do they believe that, according to Ms. Bachman, if they cannot find work they deserve to not eat?

I am sure former Congressman Alan Grayson had no idea how prophetic his observation that the Republican philosophy on health care was simply “Let Them Die” was going to be.

But I say let them rant on. As they do it becomes clear there are two separate focuses on what our society should become. I just hope the suffering live long enough to cast their vote.
Cate Cavanagh has been a career family advocate and service coordinator for developmentally and physical disabled children and adults. She is a published syndicated columnist and author.



by Cate Cavanagh

While sitting GOP congresspeople and senators decry the OWS movements claiming people should take baths and get jobs, that job creators should not have an increase in taxes but entitlements should be reamed their logistics beg the question: where is their logic?
While Herman Cain said that poor people who are not rich have only themselves to blame, he expects us to believe that, in his immense compassion, he helped a woman who had fallen upon hard times. I guess it really is not what you know but you know. The same can be said for our favorite Good Ol' Guy Newt who, as he admits to earning sixty thousand dollars per speech fails to see his denigration of poor working families, many of whom are also Republican, as not just insensitive but downright insulting. He presumes that all will be enlightened by his ignorant albeit play to the emotion rhetoric that the only money earned by the poor is via illegal means. He claims to know millionaires that get food stamp cards and people who can go to on vacation using same. What he clearly does not know is how little these stipends are and how they cannot be used for non-food items. He also does not know that there is a strict allotment in qualifying for food stamps. If a family is just one dollar over the income guide, that family is denied.
He seems to be longing for another time. A time in which there were no unions and hence unbearably long work hours for little pay, horrendous workplace conditions and no OSHA regulations. Ah. He longs for the glory days of child labor, strip mining to the danger of workers and a world in which work related injuries received no just compensation.
But how can we expect someone who simply doesn't know to remember that many senior citizens on social security receive barely eight hundred dollars a month. Nor can we really expect him to understand the medical needs of the disabled youthful and older alike. He simply does not know.
He does not know anymore than he knows that there is a world outside his circle of cronies where people are tired of having the elite knee gouging the base of the spine of struggling, working and increasingly poor families. He believes tomato sauce is a vegetable. Case in point. How can he know what he does not know?
He also does not get the movement in Wisconsin where Governor Walker WILL BE RECALLED because he simply doesn't get the fact that extreme social stratification will indeed breed discontent.
While Eric Cantor called the OWS protestors mobs the real crime lords are those of the GOP pandering false propaganda. What Newt and others of his ilk might also not realize is that voting Republicans may decide not to vote against their own self interests next go round.
There has been a global consensus concerning OWS sadly, some protests have become violent but these outbursts have been few when one considers the masses that have joined in one voice against an economic system that elevates the few while destroying the many.
No, Mr. Cantor. OWS protestors are not mobs although one must question the mentality of certain, not all, police forces that have acted in a manner reminiscent of the Civil Rights challenges of the sixties. After all, the protestors are also supporting the employment, benefits and pensions of the police as well.
It does indeed confound the imagination when fear overcomes common sense and common ground.
But, as many GOP candidates fail to recall their American history it is not a far reach that they also do not remember French history either. There was this little thing called the French Revolution where a dimwitted Marie Antoinette was clueless as well when she advocated the poor eat cake. So is it really a foregone conclusion to wonder what Newt ET AL expect poor children to eat?
There is an old adage that Newt and the others should be mindful of and that is simply that familiarity breeds contempt and that contempt might just show itself at the polls upcoming election day.

Cate Cavanagh has been a career family advocate and service coordinator for developmentally and physical disabled children and adults. She is a published syndicated columnist and author.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Who's A Real Threat?

Facists Steal Rights From Citizens!

OWS Isn't Going Anywhere!

Despite hopes that OWS will be taken away by Santa this year, it's not going anywhere! Sure, there may be some locations that, because of prohibitive weather,may limit protests from dawn to dusk but the spirit will continue on especially with public backlash against ultra right wing heartlessness on the rise. As percentages of Republicans join the increasing support for President Obama's goals for recovery The Grinch won't be stealing from the 99% but stealthing away with the popularity of the 1% and the Congressional henchmen that do their dastardly bidding.