Friday, February 10, 2012

Right versus THE RIGHT

Despite my having issues with late term"ish" abortions it is a slippery slope to curb abortion rights in any way. All women will lose and with this "personhood" campaign going around we can now see how it inevitably even looped full circle to making President's Obama's new birth control policy a hot button religious liberty issue.

Aside from the benefits to women's health this policy presents it is mind boggling how little (it seems) the right wing subscribers know about American history. I am speaking about the general extreme right population that seems to accept that somehow the founding Fathers wanted to protect religious over liberty of the individual. It is perhaps a sad statement on education standards that I remember separation of Church and State being designed to prevent the discriminatory practices against Protestantism in Europe as well as the these practices being adopted by the very group that was discriminated against (Puritans.)

Perhaps I don't get it. As a lapsed “Cafeteria Catholic” most of my peers and family members gave no credence to Pontifical decrees. I believe in religious freedom. Staunchly as I myself belong to a “non-traditional” belief system but I cannot fathom why Catholic founded institutions, hospitals and agencies cannot simply allow for individual choice. I find it interesting though that Viagra is covered but oral contraceptives that serve a multitude of purposes one of which might be contraception should not.

In the attempt to rewind the clock to back alley abortions and when women were kept in their places the face of the angry WHITE man is showing itself.

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