Friday, April 20, 2012

The Power Of The People!

I had the occasion to be in New York City assisting an elderly aunt this week. The weather there was wonderful! Some days had the feel of the malingering of crispness of winter while other days were wonderfully warm. The sun shone brilliantly and it simply felt good having it's long overdue rays wash over me. You see where I live in upstate New York it has been mostly overcast. We've had a few days that were really warm as well but there is always a ten degree difference between where I am upstate and New York City proper as I live in a rural area. After a day of assisting my aunt with the tasks at hand we I began to notice something very unique. Now don't get me wrong. People have always worn hoodies. They wear them under their jackets usually in the winter time or on those "iffy" weather days in case they need to pull up the hood to feel a little warmer or in case of rain or snow. But this week I saw almost everyone wearing hoodies! All races of people were wearing hoodies, even on the warmest day. Children were wearing hoodies--most of them brand new! Teens wore them, the elderly wore them and there was no question in my mind that what I was witnessing was a silent coalition of people making their statements about young Trayvon Martin and their support of his family. The details of the legal process now begun is all over the news and finally the process is in motion. But this post is not about that. It's about something more. Something began to happen when the 99% began to unite. Now something else is happening. Something some power players should fear: THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE!

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