Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memory Lane

With the GOP's in-your-face-blatent-vote-for-us-we-are-rich-and-understand-your-poorly-educated-fears tactics I am reminded of the 60's when, despite it's attempts at revisionist history, the Reppublican Party WAS the stalwart of protector of “States's Rights!” Back in that day this meant segregation, the burning of Black churches and police assault on protesters marching for the right of Black people to have the right to vote. Some people may be saying I am “spinning” this but you know what? Quid pro quo! The Republicans are now claiming THEY were the party of the Civil Rights Movements? Really? Then how come they have been sneakily going about securing voter suppression legislation in certain key states? Back then college students saw what was happening and protested everything from the right to vote for everyone to against the Viet Nam War which no sense to anyone with an ounce of common sense and yet so many our young soldiers died. Back then I really thought a difference was being made, that people were moved by these tragedies to fight what had caused them but, it was the body politic, after all, wasn't it? As for the "people"...the hippies...most of them went Wall Street. Turn coats like Abbie Hoffman! forgetting what was once valued in favor of the buck! then came the 'me' then "x" (as in unknown factor in algebra) and truthfully what could they know? What I and my colleagues, such as Barbara Cavallo (please read her blog on forgotten, Gen Me and Gen X will never know... But ignorance is no excuse. If are too young to know what I am talking about, READ YOUR HISTORY, DAMMIT!

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