Monday, May 14, 2012


People would get angry when David Dukes (former KKK Grand Dragon) was on talk shows but I said let him talk and be seen. I want people like this SEEN because there are many who delude themselves into thinking we are ok. We are not. Look at the GOP. If they weren't flapping their mouths we would all think people aren't as racist as they really are. All this has come out in my opinion because our President is Black. No more, no less. Once he was elected all the hidden hatred came out. We needed to see this. We need to know the enemy. "They" are out to get us. As I always quote, "Just because I am paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get me!" Now I know who "they" are! "they" are the racist/homophobic/Evangelical/White Supremicists/misogenistic haters like Rat Limbaugh. But, you know? Let them keep talking. this way we know who the enemy is.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it's made the passive aggressive racism a lot more aggressive.
