Thursday, June 7, 2012

Walker Cakewalks

Despite the amazing on the ground mobilization of labor supporters, Walker won in Wisconsin! Although I will add my voice to the many who say 'money talks" for what greater example can there be, the sad truth is ignorance speaks louder than knowledge. If we view Wisconsin as a microcosm, I have to admit I am extremely fearful of the Presidential election where monied hands will grease the palms of the GOP machine in order to get a "Yes Man" in the oval office. What is most frightening is that all of this is a matter of public record and yet there are so many that simply do not choose, yes CHOOSE, to simply see. Whereas I know some truths are exceedingly different to accept to the point of denial I truly (and perhaps deluded) myself into having faith in the street smarts of the American people. What became clear is that the brass tacks of common sense may not exist anymore. Street smarts is street sense AKA common sense which I fear is rampantly lacking. That Walker might as well be Seamus's abuser is apparent. What is also apparent is that hungry horses will come to the trough to eat and drink. What was offered was the cake of politics iced with money hoping the votes would keep Walker at the top of the game. What can be expected now is a state by state voting scam into which money will flow from who knows who and who knows where and a very high percentage of voters willing to be misled. Wisconsin may very well be the model for what is to come: misinformation fed by money resulting in cake that the ignorant will feast on ... at least until their favorite benefits are lost. Back in the day they guillotined Marie Antoinette for saying the poor should eat cake. This GOP is, in essence, offering up the same thing but this time the American people will be guillotined and perhaps it will be just deserts.

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