Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Simon Says Simon Again

Here he went again--Simon-saying the usual catch points yet again only this time before the NAACP. Spewing forth the rhetoric of saying nothing other than what he has been saying, like a broken record, Seamus's Abuser is probably being lauded right now for speaking to a group of voters not likely to vote for him and saying he would repeal OBAMACARE. Brave? Bold? I don't think so for what happened here was a sound bit that would resonate with the radical right wing of the GOP. this is free press ride his wealthy supporters don't to foot the bill for at all. That's right FREE. All the news stations will be playing these moments over and over again for weeks. Liberal news stations and conservative ones will be chewing on the fodder that would give my horses colic! The liberals will say he played to the radical base. The conservatives will say "look", see? He's a man who doesn't change his agenda depending on who he speaks to!" Well, that a bone for me to pick on but I won't as his flip flopping even on his own policies of the past is a matter of public record. What still remains to be said is exactly how he will create jobs and this is just one example. Perhaps he is just waiting for the other Simons to tell him what to say....

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