Friday, December 23, 2011

Damon Rips Obama a New One

Please read this article first:

There is a lot to what Matt Damon says in his criticism. I myself have screamed at the news "Oh stop with the negotiating already! Stand up. Have some brass ones!" And I am an Obama supporter! Although lately it has been ruefully. Constantly being snubbed by the GOP to meet with him or to have lunch hence insulting a President like never before was enough to make me fume.

I am not saying he was not the better person for choosing the higher ground and perhaps he was right in not giving Tea Partiers and the GOP wanted: a huge public retaliation. I admit I am not the better person Mr. President has proven himself to be. For example I would would have hauled Bush and his cronies up and down Pennsylvania Avenue in handcuffs dragged by horses! But since reason eventually takes hold in my radical brain I stepped back and looked at this whole matter more logically.

If he were a White President any anger expressed toward his detractors would have been acceptable. But he is our first Black President ans as such he would have been fodder for fools like Rush Limbaugh who would have used his limited vocabulary and called him "Uppity" among other coded and blatant epithets.

The truth is President Obama has had to walk a tightrope in order to not lose support. Let's be analytical here. He and media supporting pundits limit how many times they mention or reference the poor class. It is always a middle class attack. Granted as attempts to strip sub basic supportive services for the poor and disabled as well as proposing threats to Social Security ignoring the plight of the poor can no longer be brushed off the focus still remains on the middle class and how it is diminishing...a round about way of implying that the middle class is sinking into poverty but here again this must be handled delicately. You see if President Obama is not careful he will fall victim to racist right wingers who will harp on anything they can spin into his being a Black leftist radical.

So while I agree with Matt Damon's core argument the reality is a different matter altogether. I can only hope, as the GOP is in essence handing President Obama a second term, that he will prove himself to be a man of "brass."

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